27 Jan 2015


 From my new favorite artist Veronica Dearly.

Seriously guys. Actually I think this is more of a rant to myself. I have a constant argument inside my head. Half of it says 'get up, do what you REALLY want to do, What you've promised yourself your going to do'. Yet the other, irritating lazy side of my head tells me its fine to sit on the sofa, eating biscuits (yes usually whole packs) procrastinating on pinterest over weddings or crochet.

With the new year I felt like this was going to be the year. But with most unrealistic resolutions they have waved goodbye and waltzed out my door. Therefore after some more procrastinating around, I came across the Blogcademy and the super helpful videos on blogging that gave me the kick that I feel I needed. I've decided that this WILL be the year. This will be the year I stick to my blogging, I will work to becoming a happier person, and of course my crochet.

It's okay that I'm not getting it right the first time. But now is the time, and this is going on my wall.

Inspiration Monday.

I've always been crazy for Chanel haute couture, but when browsing for crochet flower ideas I stumbled across these glor...