24 Sept 2011

Long time.

I've been very absent from the world of blogging for quite some time, I suppose that i've been feeling a tiny bit uninspired, and Freya has been keeping me fairly busy to say the least.
A few things have happened, some productive but most of the time I find it difficult to tidy the house and do the washing up, nevermind focus on being creative. I've set up a small sweet treats business called Sweetly Sweetly, where I do car boots when I can and custom orders. I enjoy making cakes but it's not where my heart lays. I secretly have a dream of making beautiful animals and dolls, painting and drawing all day. I'll get there one day I know I will! I just need my motivation to kick start and last.

Anyhow, Freya's growing so beautifully.

Inspiration Monday.

I've always been crazy for Chanel haute couture, but when browsing for crochet flower ideas I stumbled across these glor...