23 Nov 2012

Style icon - Pattie Boyd

Pattie Boyd was (is) a model, photographer and author, most active in the 1960's. She is most known for her marriages to George Harrison and later Eric Clapton. She was said to be the inspiration of many of George's and Eric's songs. And honestly who can blame them? She was a stunning yet adorable young woman with a wonderful sense of style. In the 60's she had a girly 'mod' wardrobe, consisting of above the knee length patterned dresses, peter pan collars, colourful tights, calf length boots and sweet little heeled shoes. In the early 1970's she embraced the 'hippie' style wearing wide brimmed hats, flared trousers, suits and fabulous accessories. She is definitely worthy of being noted as a style icon, and inspires us often, the reason for my wish of long hair with bangs. We also think there is a huge like-ness between her and Hannah Metz!
Who is your style icon?

Images found via google.

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