21 Feb 2014

My motifs.

So I finally got around to taking some photo's of my motifs! It feels like I've made so many more as I practiced with a thicker green yarn before. All bar one need the excess thread weaved in. That is definitely something I need to start doing every time I finish one, otherwise it becomes a great big tangled nightmare pain. 

I'm unsure and honestly worried about steaming the motifs, terrified I'll end up ruining them! Also whether I should wait until the end or weekly? I'll have to do my research. I've learnt pretty much everything from Kathryn White's book 'The Go-To Book for Irish Crochet Motifs'. It's very clear with simple directions, all I'm yet to learn is padding cord length's, which looks fairly intimidating to say the least. 

We quite recently brought a new DSLR and I'm still learning (badly). I need to brush up my skills on crochet photography, I'll have to take a little more time with laying them out nicely and spending more time on it in general. With a 5 month old and a grumpy 2 year old isn't always the easiest of tasks but it can be done, I'm sure.

Inspiration Monday.

I've always been crazy for Chanel haute couture, but when browsing for crochet flower ideas I stumbled across these glor...