21 Mar 2012


The past few days seem to have been fairly busy. Saturday it was my Mums birthday so she came to ours for lunch, chilli potato wedge bake was a success! I'll have to put the recipe up soon. I also managed to whip up a quick chocolate fudge cake with vanilla buttercream and blackberry jam for her birthday cake. It didn't last long to say the least. We also dressed in green to celebrate St patricks day!

Freya seems to of redicovered that she can climb stairs and I am forever chasing her away from them, she definitely keeps me on my toes. She's growing so quickly I can barely keep up. Her lovely personality has started to come out the past few weeks and she's the funniest, music loving, running little darling.

I've been working on a few projects as of late, I have so many on the go! As Spring is here, i'm eager to get in the garden, our flower bed needs filling and we need to plant fruit and veg in the little space we have.

I'm loving blogging at the moment, it gives me something to look forward to and think about, only it's distracting me so much the housework seems to be suffering. So now off to the mountain of washing up.

Inspiration Monday.

I've always been crazy for Chanel haute couture, but when browsing for crochet flower ideas I stumbled across these glor...