2 Nov 2012


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Happy Friday guys! She & Him are one of my favorite bands (duo?), this song is perfect for cosy days inside. My daughter seems to love it too as she's dancing around my living room. Today Sweet Chivalry's first advert is on Scathingly Brilliant, it's so exciting! I'm so eager to spread the word about Sweet Chivalry.
Today will be a productive day, the business plan is being sent off to the Princes Trust,
 i'll be making some buttons for sharing, a new blog description and possibly pie making. I'll be back on Sunday for a current loves. Before I go, here a photo of my Nan 
(far left) and her friends back in the early 60's. She was such a stylish lady!

Inspiration Monday.

I've always been crazy for Chanel haute couture, but when browsing for crochet flower ideas I stumbled across these glor...