15 May 2012

Business business business

As usual, my blog has been neglected again. I am just terrible! I have been so so busy the past couple months.
I visited my Nan at the begining of April in Devon, it was Freya's first Birthday on the 22nd! It was wonderful, but quite stressful considering the size of my house and all our guests. Not to mention this awful English weather, it still feels like Winter now. I have also recently finished a business course with the Princes Trust, which has completely changed my life. Basically, I went in with the idea of having a vintage shop/bakery. The course taught me everything I need to know about business from marketing to taxes (not as hard as I had imagined) throughout the four day's I came to realise that this dream was completely unrealistic not only financially butin other ways to. So as I worked out what I could do, what I really wanted to do, and came to the conclusion of an online vintage shop selling clothes, accesories, home wares and perhaps eventually create my own vintage inspired clothing line. I also wish to hold vintage 'style' parties at peoples homes, where they are able to try vintage clothes on, have hair and makeup done and flick through my catalogue's to buy! After the course, we are given a mentor (a business man/woman with the knowledge we need) they will help us with our business plans, help set up and at we are also offered the chance of funding in a 'dragons den' type scenario. I am currently awaiting to hear who my mentor will be and my business plan is half way there already. We have come to the idea that my website will be up and running within six months! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am. It's all I think about when I wake up, when I go to sleep and I just can't wait to get started. A lot of people don't have faith in me with this which I completely understand! I have said SO many time's about setting a shop up for dolls/cakes/embroidery you name it. But this just feel's right you know? I just have to come up with a name which is proving harder than I thought.

Anyway, here are some photo's from the past few weeks I just love.

Inspiration Monday.

I've always been crazy for Chanel haute couture, but when browsing for crochet flower ideas I stumbled across these glor...