3 Apr 2014

Bettering myself

This week has been a long one. I'm attempting to spring clean at the moment, which is harder than it sounds with a clingy baby. Not to mention the fact that he sleeps for 30 odd minutes in total per day. I love spring cleaning, it gives me the chance to minimize as much as I can. When we first moved out the amount of 'stuff' and clutter I had was unreal. I like things to be as simple and as tidy as possible because it needs to be easy to manage with two children! 

I always see spring as a new start, more so than the start of a new year. I always feel so much different when it starts to warm up. Speaking of new starts, I've been looking for a distance learning course for a number of months. I've looked into criminology, astronomy and some sort of creative course. I've always been fascinated with all of them, but I do miss the art side of school! I used to have hours and hours of art and design a week and miss having the chance to be more creative. I'd love something that ties into setting my own craft business up so a dress making course seemed like the best thing I could do! I've found a wonderful double course on fashion and dress making, that I'm hoping to start in June after our holiday. It would be great to make well constructed dolls with beautiful clothing. Learning a little haute couture is included too! 

The idea of knowing how to making clothing like this is dreamy! I'd quite happily live in a different coloured sequin skirt everyday.
Photo from Alice and Olivia collection - here.

Inspiration Monday.

I've always been crazy for Chanel haute couture, but when browsing for crochet flower ideas I stumbled across these glor...