19 Jun 2012

Candy colours.

Dress: Vintage
Scarf: Thrifted
Belt: 60's (My Nans)
Shoes: Sherbert

So. Trying to take outfit pictures in my house is next to impossible. These are the only two out of possibly 30 that turned out some what ok. My terrible camera kept over exposing and my daughter wanted all of her books read. I slowly gave up.
I have two holidays now booked for this year, i'm so looking forward to them. The first is in August we are going camping again with my Mam in her caravan in Norfolk, its such a beautiful place, there's a lovely old mill with a shop full of (very) cheap vintage ornaments and such. Last time I brought a 1930's trinket box for £2.50! The shop is also full of lovely locally produced flour, jams, honey and more.
The next holiday isn't until November were i'm for the first time going to Butlins! A long girly weekend should be fun. Although it will probably be my first night away from Freya, slightly terrifying but i'm sure it wont be too bad.

After I took my petticoat off, Freya decided it was now her turn and walked around slowly like she was the most important baby in the world. Gah I love her.
Today is making a toy for a new baby to be (I'll be an Auntie again!), reading 100 more books for Freya, coffee drinking and a walk to the park.

Inspiration Monday.

I've always been crazy for Chanel haute couture, but when browsing for crochet flower ideas I stumbled across these glor...