2 Jul 2012

A busy life.

Since my last post I have been so busy! It was my birthday on Wednesday, which was spend attending mine and Freya's first toddler group (quite terrifying honestly), getting upset about the loss of a vintage shop and buying fancy chocolates in Barton mill. Thursday my wonderful Dad came to see me as he wasnt able to on my birthday and suprised me with the greatest present i've ever received, a new telescope! It's no lie I am a HUGE enthusiast towards astronomy and now I have the chance to persue it further. Saturday was spent with Lee's family at kids world, where Freya had the best time and yesterday was dinner with my Dad and his lady. We went to Frankie and Bennies. The gingerbread latte truely is the yummiest thing i've ever had, I have to find out the recipe.

Before dinner, as I was lucky enough to have birthday vouchers for Hobbycraft, we had a look around. There was nothing in particular I was looking for, until I walked past the book aisle. And a book caught my eye, it was Emily Martins Paper Doll Primer! Emily Martin is one of my favourite artists, a couple of her paintings take pride position in my house so least to say I was excited when I saw it so much so I think I was given a few strange glances at my reaction when I picked it up. It's definitely the best thing I've brought myself in a very long time. Me and Freya read through the already made dolls and their stories. As soon as I could I was already creating my own paper doll version of us. I'm so happy with how they've turned out! They look just like us. All I have to do is find some pretty paper to mount them on and add name banners and they'll be up on my wall. I'd forgotten how wonderful paper dolls are and I think it may be a new hobby for me.

I also have this lovely coming in the post for me. I cant wait.

Inspiration Monday.

I've always been crazy for Chanel haute couture, but when browsing for crochet flower ideas I stumbled across these glor...